Breaking barriers for bioimaging in Latin America


Registration to assist to the congress is open until 05/07/2024

The results of the call are ready.

Important dates for the FNB congress 2024

2024 Activity
12 April Open abstract registration for assistants and financial support at the FNB congress
08 June Closing abstract registration for assistants and financial support at the FNB congress
26 June Announcement of acceptance/rejection for all registered abstracts
26 June Open registration for all assistants at the FNB congress
22-23 August In-person FNB congress

Important Information on Registration

This event includes meals, and a recovery fee of 20 USD will be charged, except for individuals covered by financial support. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch
For those who apply for financial support, registration as a member of Latin America Bioimaging is mandatory. See LABI join for more information.

Financial support application

Under-served regions must have fair and equitable opportunities to attend the Fluorescence Nanoscopy in Bioimaging Congress (FNB). Therefore, the selection process for travel grants will follow a scheme that maximizes diversity and ensures equitable access globally; the selection approach will maximize regional and national diversity among grantees and personal experiences based on the contribution to the local and/or regional imaging community, as well as dissemination of the knowledge gained at the course as follows: Underserved regions (Up to 3 points): applicants from determined regions will receive higher scores depending on the selected country classification (See list below).
Personal implications in nanoscopy and bioimaging (Up to 5 points): Specific implementations of the knowledge acquired in the congress in professional areas will gain higher scores. Previous participation in another super resolution course also gets higher scores.
Contribution to the local and/or regional imaging community (Up to 3 points): Applicants who detail their involvement with their local and/or regional imaging community will receive greater scores.
Dissemination of the knowledge gained at the course (Up to 3 points): Applicants who demonstrate how to share the knowledge gained from this course with their colleagues and utilize it to enhance their imaging facility will receive higherscores.

The number of grantees from the same country will be limited (See list below), and only one application may be selected from the same institution. Lastly, efforts will be made to ensure equal gender representation in the following slots:

México + Centro America - 800 USD (20 slots)
South America - 400 USD (20 slots)
Brazil - 200 USD (10 slots)

The results of the scholarship selection are unappealable, and any change in the call will be the decision of the organizing committee. Student monitor responsibilities include: Assisting poster session organizers with the tasks of setting up posters and monitoring attendance.
Attend all plenary conferences during the days you will be present at the congress.

Please note that students who wish to apply must comply with the following conditions:

Have submitted an abstract (as presenting author) to participate in the FNB Congress 2024.
Complete the financial support for application form online between April 12— June 08, 2024.
Only 50 slots are available based on questions provided in the financial support application.
The result of your application will be notified in June 26, 2024.
Participants need to speak English and either Spanish or Portuguese to support national and international assistance.
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